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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Mother's Day is an annual holiday that recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well the positive contributions that they make to society. In the United States, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. This year it falls on May 9!! In my family it's tradition to celebrate this holiday at my mom's house. We usually have a barbeque, weather permitting ofcourse, and if not we go out for brunch. My sisters, myself and our husbands and kids are all part of the celebration. I love the idea of dedicating a whole day to mom. I think it's a wonderful concept. After all they do for us it's the least that they deserve. I especially love to celebrate mother's day now that I am a mother myself. Spending the day with the people I love is all I could really ask for.

***New Vocabulary Words***

1. motherhood: noun; the state of being a mother; maternity.
2. maternal bond: The maternal bond is typically the relationship between a mother and her child. While it typically occurs due to pregnancy and childbirth, it may also occur between a woman and an unrelated child, such as in adoption.
3. dedicating: To set apart for a deity or for religious purposes
4. society: an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
5. tradition: noun;the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, esp. by word of mouth or by practice.
6. celebration: noun;the festivities engaged in to celebrate something.

***Fill in the missing vocabulary word***
1. The fourth of July is a huge ________ in the United States;
2. The needs of _______ determine its ethics.
3. I feel a strong _____ _____between me and my daughter.
4. The author will be _______ his book to his wife.
5. It's _______ in my family to cook turkey on Thanksgiving.
6. People always told me that ______ was beautiful but I didn't fully understand what that meant until I had my baby.

Grammar point: Nouns are often thought of as referring to persons, places, things, states, or qualities. Look for all the nouns in my passage.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry! Mother's Day is quite early this year.

    I like the vocabulary list and exercise.
